Conference 2023 Program
Last updated Tuesday, Jun 06, 16:41 PM
Welcome and Acknowledgements
✨ Monitor this site for abstracts and any changes to this program.
Information about any changes to the program will also be available via the OTESSA Welcome Desk on the conference platform once the conference opens.
All OTESSA Participants can attend the Congress “Big Thinking” lecture series. These take place each day of the conference. Congress has “open events” available as well (open to registrants across association conferences at Congress as well as those who hold community passes).
All OTESSA Registrants can also attend conference sessions offered by the Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE), Canadian Association for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE), and Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) as we have reciprocity agreements in place. Please note that presenters must register in each conference in which they are presenting.